Become a dry cleaning
partner with Love2Laundry

Get more business without the hassle and let us grow your customer base.


Why Partner With Us?

Earn more without any hasle

Rapid growth

Your business can become part of one of the fastest-growing laundry and dry cleaning services around and benefit from our exceptional reviews and reputation.

Serve your customers

We handle everything from drop-off to collection, meaning you just have to worry about providing your services. Let us handle everything else!

Dedicated support

We support our partners every step of the way and will ensure yours and your customers’ experience is simple and straightforward.

No sign-up fee

Just a simple, easy application

No hidden costs

Our support team can walk you through the application

Focus on your work

Our team will handle collection, delivery and customer service

Consistent support

We’re always on-call to help you out

We look after everything

From marketing and sales to order tracking and customer service, all you need to do is process the orders and reap the benefits

Any questions?

Contact is at to speak to our team

Dry cleaning partner requirements

  • Open 7 days a week.
  • Adequate processing storage space.
  • Minimum of 3 washers/dryers.
  • Minimum of 1 dry cleaning machine.
  • Ability to use and manage computer & internet orders.

Ready Partner?

Apply as a dry cleaning partner with Love2Laundry and start operating now.

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